Welcome to the Geography Hub

Who we are….

PTSA Primary Geography Hub!

Our Aims….

  • To support other Geography subject leaders across the city.
  • To ensure schools across Plymouth are confident with their Geography teaching
  • Raise subject understanding by addressing knowledge gaps and connecting teachers with geographical CPD, thus building capacity to teach engaging and high quality lessons.
  • Increase teacher confidence to undertake fieldwork by providing CPD sessions
  • To champion geography, ensuring our schools demonstrate a progression of skills and non-diluted coverage of the curriculum

What we do…

The geography hub has now been running for a year. We meet once a term and discuss any key updates or areas of Geography. We share ideas and resources with other schools across the city. We support with organising CPD for schools.

How to get involved…

Come along to the Geography hub meetings.

Key contacts….

Mandi Ingram

Jenny Hobbs


If you’d like to make an enquiry, please complete the form below.

Further Information & Training Opportunities

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