Welcome to the RE Hub
Who we are….
The Plymouth RE Hub is made up of teachers from across Plymouth. We have been running for around eight years and we were originally set up through Learn, Teach, Lead RE. Since joining forces with PTSA, our hub has gone from strength to strength. Hub members across the city go above and beyond to support each other to ensure that the teaching of RE is high quality.
Our Aims….
- To offer national and local updates on RE.
- To support members through CPD opportunities.
- To offer training linked to our locally agreed syllabus
- To ensure that the teaching of RE across the city is high quality.
- To support experienced and newly qualified teachers in the development of their RE curriculums.
- To support teachers with subject knowledge.
What we do…
The Plymouth RE Hub has quickly developed into a thriving hub full of passionate teachers of RE. Many teachers have commented on how the hub has helped them to develop their teaching of RE, ensuring that it is exciting and inspiring for the children that they teach. The RE hub is nationally recognised and has featured in a national book on assessment in RE as well as being invited to London to share views with the national ‘Commission on RE’. We hold our own annual RE conference and regularly invite national speakers to share their expertise. Katie Freeman who is the SLE attached to the hub trains teachers nationally and is the vice chair for the National Association for Teachers of RE.
How to get involved…
We are always excited to welcome new members to our hub meetings. If you want to get involved come along to a hub meeting, sign up to our conference or email the teaching school.
Key contacts….
Katie Freeman
If you’d like to make an enquiry, please complete the form below.
Further Information & Training Opportunities
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