EMA Hub – Pen Rhythms

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  • 11/06/2024
    4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

The EMA Hub provided by Plymouth Ethnic Minority Achievement Team working in partnership with PTSA, offers termly twilight CPD sessions, available to all schools and suitable for teachers across phases. Planned in response to the needs of the city, training is focused on supporting and promoting racial equality and cultural diversity in schools.

Pen Rhythms

Outline: This lively, engaging CPD explores the work of poet Benjamin Zephaniah, using his writing as a starting point for cross-curricular learning with links to National Curriculum objectives across KS2 – KS3. The session will support teachers promote positive attitudes to reading and offer students opportunities to interrogate and reimagine traditional viewpoints, looking at learning from a new perspective which recognises diversity in modern British society.  Thought provoking and inspiring with lots of takeaway ideas for the classroom.

Date: Tuesday 11th June 2024

Time: 4.00pm – 5.30pm

Venue: Salisbury Road Primary School

Audience: Primary and Secondary teachers

Cost: Free


Salisbury Road, St Judes, Plymouth, PL4 8QZ