PROFILE: Benjamin Wallis


I qualified in 2009 and was appointed as a PLE for Computing in 2016/2017. I was then fortunate enough to move on to the Senior Leadership Team at my school, before being appointed as an Assistant Headteacher in 2018.

I have worked across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, taken multiple subject leads, been a year group leader, department leader, hold responsibility for teaching and learning and am an NQT mentor. Throughout my various roles, I have enjoyed working with and supporting new colleagues into the profession as they develop into fantastic teachers and further positively impact the lives of children.

Most recently I have been based in Year 6. I have enjoyed the challenges this brings and enjoy pushing myself as much as my pupils.

Working as part of a team, I have understood how to navigate both the challenges and positive times with determination and passion. I look forward to offering whatever support I can to help others along in their own journey.


- Computing

- Year 6

- NQT mentoring


I have worked closely with the PTSA Computing HUB and delivered CPD sessions targeting the needs of teachers across the city. These have been welcomed and I have been sought out for follow-up advice. I have been able to share good practice and resources with a variety of colleagues that has impacted on their teaching. I am passionate about Computing and have lead this subject successfully for several years in school alongside managing the Computing Heads for our Multi Academy Trust. As a part of these roles, I have delivered CPD sessions, formulated assessment plans and worked closely to aid new subject leaders in the development of themselves and their subjects in their schools. I believe in a mixed approach to the teaching of Computing. There is much value in the use of 'Unplugged' activities away from the computer to support computational thinking and learning across the curriculum. I am a firm believer that the language and skills of computing can be used to hook learners into the curriculum, and this should be done wherever possible. Parental engagement and raising the profile of E-safety have been particular foci recently in a bid to raise awareness and protect people throughout their lives.

I enjoy seeing colleagues that I have worked with/mentored move on and begin to achieve great things on their own.

I have been able to work alongside new professionals, as a part of our Multi-Academy Trust, to help develop practice. Furthermore, I have helped implement new teaching approaches pertinent to that particular schools’ point of development.

I am dedicated to improving the learning experiences of children and the development of professionals within our field.

Designation: PLE

Phases: FS, KS1, KS2

School: Thornbury Primary School

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