PROFILE: Celina Cox


I teach at Mill Ford Special School and have been teaching there for 15 years. Prior to this, I was teaching in mainstream primary schools in the locality. I am the maths subject lead for the school and am also responsible for supporting music and creativity within the school. I am a TLR with responsibility for monitoring and supporting staff in all subject areas linked to planning, assessment and quality of teaching and learning. I am, at present, working with colleagues in school to re-design our curriculum in the light of the Rochford Report. Looking at the functionality and relevance of the curriculum is of immense importance and developing independence skills to the greatest extent.

I teach in Mill Ford School’s satellite provision at Ernesettle Community School and I am passionate about inclusion where it benefits all pupils and have been part of managing powerful examples of this. I have explored a range of integration opportunities for students, sharing expertise from both the special and mainstream education. I have an MEd and as part of my research I focussed on how to support students in knowing and understanding their targets in learning and having a voice.

I have worked in developing schemes of work to support students who are at P levels and Pre NC standards, particularly in maths. I have also raised standards in Maths across the school and I have trained TAs to enhance their skills in supporting mathematical learning teaching maths to our varied students.
I am the SEND hub lead for PTSA.



- Maths and music ( with a strong emphasis at SLD/PMLD levels of learning)


I have been involved in providing training for Schools Direct students sharing knowledge and expertise in assessing small steps in learning. Positive feedback has been received from this training.

I have also been involved in the first venture of Schools Direct in providing support for a student to undertake a teaching practice placement within a Special School. In being able to facilitate such opportunities I believe where a passion has been identified, the ability to develop this should be provided.

I have developed the SEND hub over the past 3 years and we run open hub meetings after school on subjects such as parental engagement, assessment at pre NC levels, therapies, transitions between Y6 and 7 and attachment amongst others. This provides a vital link for all those involved in the education of students with SEND. We are about to hold our first conference this year on raising achievement in boys.

I also liaise with the LA SEND team to ensure close working relationships between all bodies involved in supporting those with SEND.

Designation: SLE

Phases: 3-19

School: Mill Ford Special School

of  Specialism:
SEND, Maths within SEND

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