I have been teaching for nearly 20 in a variety of schools in Plymouth and Outer London. I have been an ICT and Computing Coordinator for most of my career and am passionate about using computer technologies to enhance education. I have also lead Literacy and am a KS2 Writing Moderation for Plymouth Local Authority. As a teacher who taught Year 6 for many years, I am highly experienced and skilled in delivering KS2 SATs. I am a Year Group leader, a member of my schools Extended SLT and a Staff Governor.
- Computing, coding and ICT
- Curriculum Planning
- Social Media support and guidance
- Website and Class blog design and implementation
- Cross curricular uses for technology.
- Cloud computing (Office 365)
- Budget Bids and Action Planning
- Resourcing and suppliers
- KS2 Writing Moderation
- Preparing for Moderation
- Writing across KS2
- Developing GDS Writing in KS2
- Delivering Grammar across KS2
I lead the PTSA Computing Hub and enjoy meeting and working with schools across the city delivering CPD and guidance for Computing and cross curricular teaching. I work in partnership with a team of highly skilled SLE’s and PLE’s who specialise in Computing and actively work hard to share their knowledge and skills.
I have worked with a number of school supporting them in putting together budget bids and action plans and successfully supported schools when purchasing technologies that affect the infrastructure of the school.
I have also supported school moving towards cloud solutions and provided workable models that can bring about real change in the ways that schools share information and communicate.
I have supported schools when moving into cloud solution and helped them transition into using Office 365. I have shared examples of good practice, offered working examples of implementing cloud solutions in school and supported schools to make the transition into a new way of working.
Designation: SLE
Phases: All Phases
School: Riverside Community Primary School
of Specialism: Primary