PROFILE: Jane Dowrick Kessell


I became a Foundation Teacher in 2001 and have been privileged to be Foundation Leader at St Edward’s for the past 4 years. I have enjoyed working alongside my colleagues across the city and within our own Trust, St Christopher’s Multi Academy Trust, to create an organisation that reaches out to serve schools in our in a community family way. Over the years, as my own skills have progressed I have been able to support in many capacities such as a Moderator.

I run a successful Foundation stage which we are looking to expand to include 3 years and up so that transition and provision is seamless. I work with a fantastic team, across the school, who really value the Foundation stage and all the provision and systems that contribute to exception progress and opportunities for our children.

It hasn’t been an easy journey with lots of changes and challenges in leadership but the struggle has meant that the journey is that more valuable.
It is therefore that I offer my support most humbly in the hope that some of my own struggle and the wonderful practice I’ve witnessed on the way can help in some small way.


• School to school support and joint practice development
• Mark making and early writing
• Enriching environments
• Securing quality outcomes
• Assessment
• Parent workshops/relationships


Through working on the Bristol Standard I have scrutinised my own practice and sort advice from others putting myself in the position of learner. This has had a massive impact on my provision and philosophy for learning.

Phonics using Read Write Inc.

Supporting learning throughout KS1 making sure that the children carry on reaching their full potential and helping with any insight from their early experiences.

Designation: Foundation Stage Leader

Phases: FS

School: St Edward's Primary

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