PROFILE: Jody Trayte
I have been teaching for 20 years and am currently the Deputy Head Teacher at High View School in Plymouth. I have worked across a number of different schools in Devon within a range of different contexts. My teaching experience lies largely within Upper Key Stage 2 and I currently teach a mixed age year 5/6 class. Throughout my time in education, I have also gained a breadth of experience in a number of different leadership areas, ranging from developing rigorous and purposeful whole school assessment practices through to supporting the knowledge, skills and expertise of colleagues (both within and beyond my immediate school environment) across a variety of curriculum, pedagogical and leadership improvements.
My specialist curriculum area is mathematics and I am one of the NCETM's nationally accredited "Primary Maths Mastery Specialist Teachers". I am also extremely proud to lead Plymouth Teaching School's Primary Maths Hub. Throughout the continued involvement and development of both of these roles, I have benefitted from working closely with colleagues across a number of different schools to further develop their maths provision and outcomes.
I continue to be extremely proud of the standards achieved by the children I teach. Furthermore, the impact through my role as Maths Mastery Specialist Teacher across the school, as we have developed teaching for maths mastery, has also been significant. Additionally, I have been privileged to have had the opportunity to work with a number of schools through my Teaching School commitments and I take great satisfaction in working collaboratively to support the identification and development of any areas of priority.
Designation: SLE
Phases: Primary
School: High View School
of Specialism: Mathematics