PROFILE: Mandi Ingram


Previously being a regional trainer and quality assurance liaison for Aviva insurance, I qualified as a teacher in 2009 with a specialism in Early Years and was privileged to be asked to join High View staff in the September of the same year. My time has been spent as a teacher in KS1, lower KS2 and Early Years. I have found this experience extremely beneficial for my professional development as I have gained a greater insight into teaching across a range of age groups.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to become a mentor, working alongside BEd and School Direct Students.

Growing up wasn’t an easy journey, as a military child, I moved schools across the world, every 2 years. Consequently, I fully understand the challenges our Military Children and Young Carer’s face having gone through the experience myself.

I have a passion for IT and geography, a thirst for knowledge and enjoy working alongside my colleagues. Thus, invoking a desire to innovate across disciplines and empower children to not only understand our world, but how to take action to make it a better place.


- Primary Geography

- School Website Design and Administration

- Military Children’s Club (MKC)


I have undertaken the role of Geography Lead for High View since 2010. During this time, I worked alongside my colleagues, co-ordinating and successfully applied for the Geographic Association’s Bronze Quality Mark in 2015 and then successfully applied for the Gold Quality Mark in 2018. Only 1 of 10 schools in the UK to be awarded this status.

Having achieved my Geography PLE, I was then asked by the PTSA to co-lead and coordinate a new Geography Hub and run a Geography CPD session for School Direct students.

Achieving my NPQML in May 2015 has not only enabled me to continue to develop my own CPD, but to use this effectively when mentoring. I am pleased to say that all the trainee teachers I have mentored have all successfully gained full time employment as teachers.

In addition to my main teaching role, I also have the responsibility of redesigning, creating and managing High View’s website; recently also creating and managing our Twitter and Instagram accounts. My work as part of the PTSA has included setting up and populating the initial hub websites.

Designation: PLE

Phases: Primary

School: High View School

of  Specialism:
Geography, School Websites, Military Children

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