PROFILE: Teresa Skingle


I have been a computing coordinator at Shakespeare Primary School since it opened in 2009.


- Online Safety and preparations for achieving the 360 Degree Online Safety Mark.

- Developing a school computing curriculum that has built in progression of skills and links to a thematic curriculum.

- Developing Digital Leaders for online safety and pupil voice.

- Coding using Scratch.

- Coding using BBC Micro bits in Key Stage 2.


I have achieved the 360 Degree Online Safety Mark for SPS and the final report noted that our consistent approach to recording and reporting online safety incidents should be a model for other schools.

Embedding Internet Safety Day into the school yearly calendar.

Our Digital Leader group is established within Key Stage 2. With an emphasis on Online Safety the group also completes activities in sessions that enables them to become ‘experts’ in the classroom. The children are given a voice to make changes to Computing across the school and hold a small budget to enable them to make changes agreed upon.

Our Computing Curriculum is mapped out to ensure progression of skills in all areas and including concepts and approaches along with assessment guidance.

Developing planning for coding to ensure progression of skills, a variety of software to enthuse and encourage children whilst also providing guidance to staff through training to maintain consistency and confidence in assessment.

Designation: PLE

Phases: Primary

School: Shakespeare Primary School

of  Specialism:
Computing, KS2

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