Revisiting Writing – 5 Sessions
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Revisiting Writing
Come join us for Revisiting Writing. A CPL programme which seeks to revisit, review and reflect upon excellence in the teaching of writing. The programme is designed inline with principles of effective collaborative professional learning to take place over 5 sessions to enable depth, reflection and opportunities to trial and practice principles of evidence based writing development with a particular focus on engaging boys.
The two building blocks of successful teaching of writing centre on explicitly teaching the writing process whilst developing an engaged community of writers. These two aspects are interwoven across the 5 sessions as we revisit the writing sequence, reflecting on the skills, expertise and knowledge needed to teach writing effectively.
Session 1: Where are we now?
Tues 28th February 1.30 – 3.30
We examine the evidence base of what makes the difference in terms of writing development; reflect on current practice and priorities and explore the initial phase of writing development – high quality texts, use of models, creative stimulus and the subject knowledge and skills needed at this stage of the process to write for purpose and audience.
Session 2: Creating an engaged community of writers
Tues 14th March 1.30 – 3.30
The move from the initial phase to phase two as we explore what it means to develop an engaged community of writers and how to establish and plan for effective and gradual release of responsibility using direct and live modelling and shared writing to support and scaffold high quality writing.
Session 3: Making the process explicit
Tues 28th March 1.30 – 3.30
We return to unpick, in further depth, the confidence and skills needed to effectively develop shared writing expertise within the classroom. Externalising the writing process effectively to model how to combine both transcription and composition will be explored.
Session 4
Wed 19th April 1.30 – 3.30
Following a shared writing gap task set in the previous session, we reflect on skills, expertise and next steps in terms of both personal subject knowledge and improving pedagogy in this crucial area alongside maintaining quality and whole school development to meet the needs of all pupils.
Session 5:
Mon 15th May 1.30 – 3.30
The final phase of application and the challenge of independence will be explored as we review on progress made and next steps both personally and for development across our schools.
Biog – Judy Clark
Judy Clark is a highly experienced English consultant committed to empowering pupils to find their voice both literally and metaphorically. She has a passion for children’s literature and is committed to opening up the treasures and delights of reading, writing and spoken language to pupils of all ages.
She has worked as a senior leader in school; a local authority school improvement adviser for literacy; with Pie Corbett as a Talk for Writing consultant and as the Primary Adviser for the National Literacy Trust for many years whilst continuing to lecture in English at Plymouth Marjon University and work nationally as a freelance trainer and consultant.
She lives on Dartmoor in the shadow of Haytor and is currently reading The Night Abraham Called to the Stars by Robert Bly.
Venue – Salisbury Road Primary School